Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stephen the little helper

I'm so proud of Stephen... he's really becoming a good little helper. He even volunteers to help without being asked.

Today I was feeling a bit tired and less than enthusiastic about emptying the dishwasher, and I felt the need to announce this to him. I wasn't asking him to help, I just said, "AAaaaallllrriigghtt... I'll empty the dishwasher even though I don't really want to. Sometimes we just have to do things even when we don't feel like it." I was trying to make it a teaching moment... so he could remember it when he's asked to pick up his toys and doesn't want to. Well, he surprised me and came over and put away all the silverware. Not only did it surprise me that he helped, but also that he did such a good job. He's really growing up.

He also helped me "vacuum" today. He's really good about pulling out his popper and "vacuuming" all the rooms. And at H.E.B. he helped put all the groceries on the conveyor belt. Then when we got home he helped put them away. What a kid! I'm just so proud... and thankful... that he's becoming such a good lil' helper.

This picture is of him "washing the dishes." This was a while back, but I couldn't resist posting it. :)

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